Accuracy In Biblical Education

Colossians Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) Paul and apostle of Jesus Christ
(4-6) Since we heard of your faith
(7-8) As ye also learned of Epaphras
(9-11) For this cause we also
(12-14) Giving thanks unto the Father
(15-20) Who is the image of the invisible God
(21-23) And you that were sometime alienated
(24-25) Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you
(26-27) Even the mystery which hath been hidden
(28-29) Whom we preach warning every man
2. (1-3) For I would that ye knew
(4) Lest any man should beguile you
(5-7) For though I be absent
(8-10) Beware lest any man spoil you
(11-14) In whom also ye are circumcised
(15) Having spoiled principalities and powers
(16-17) Let no man therefore judge you
(18-19) Let no man beguile you of your reward
(20-23) Wherefore if ye be dead in Christ
3. (1-4) If ye then be risen
(5-7) Mortify therefore your members
(8-11) But now ye also put off these
(12-15) Put on therefore as the elect of God
(16-17) Let the word of Christ
(18-22) Wives submit yourselves
(23-24) And whatsoever ye do
(25) But he that doeth wrong
4. (1-2) Masters give unto your servants
(3-4) Withal praying for us also
(5-6) Walk in wisdom
(7-15) All my state shall Tychicus declare
(16) When this epistle is read
(17) Take heed to the ministry
(18) The salutation

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