Accuracy In Biblical Education

First Corinthians Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) Paul unto the church of God which is at Corinth
(4-9) In everything ye are enriched by Him
(10-16) There are contentions among you
(17-18) Christ sent me not to baptize
(19-25) I will destroy the wisdom of the wise
(26-31) God hath chosen the foolish things
2. (1-5) When I came to you
(6-9) We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery
(10-16) Who hath known the mind of the Lord
3. (1-4) There is among you envying and strife
(5-9) We are laborers together with God
(10-15) Every man's work shall be made manifest
(16-17) Know ye not that ye are the temple of God
(18-20) Let him become a fool that he may be wise
(21-23) Let no man glory in men
4. (1-2) It is required in stewards
(3-5) But he that judgeth me is the Lord
(6-7) Who maketh thee to differ from another
(8-16) We are made a spectacle unto the world
(17) for this cause have I sent unto Timotheus
(18-21) But I will come to you shortly
5. (1-5) There is fornication among you
(6-8) A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump
(9-13) Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world
6. (1-8) But brother goeth to law with brother
(9-11) The unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God
(12-20) Now the body is not for fornication
7. (1-5) Nevertheless to avoid fornication
(6-9) I speak this by permission
(10-11) Unto the married I command
(12-16) But to the rest speak I not the Lord
(17-24) Let every man wherein he is called therein abide
(25-28) If thou marry thou hast not sinned
(29-31) This I say brethren the time is short
(32-35) He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord
(36-38) He sinneth not, let them marry
(39-40) Wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth
8. (1-8) Touching things offered unto idols
(9-13) Take heed lest this liberty become a stumblingblock
9. (1-12) Am I not an apostle
(13-14) They which preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel
(15-18) But I have used none of these things
(19-23) I made myself servant of all
(24-27) They which run in a race run all
10. (1-5) Our fathers all baptized unto Moses
(6-11) These things were our examples
(12-22) There hath no temptation taken you
(23-33) We being many are one bread
11. (1-2) Be ye followers of me ... As I am of Christ
(3-16) If any man seem to be contentious ... no such custom
(17-19) I hear there be divisions among you
(20-22) Have ye not houses to eat and to drink in
(23-29) As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup
(30-34) Many are weak and sickly among you
12. (1-6) Concerning spiritual gifts
(7-11) The manifestation of the spirit
(12-26) Now hath God set the members ... as it hath pleased Him
(27-31) Are all apostles ... are all prophets
13. (1-8) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels
(9-12) We know in part and we prophesy in part
(13) The greatest of these
14. (1-5) Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but ...
(6-11) Therefore if I know not the meaning
(12-17) Seek that ye may excel to the edifying
(18-22) I had rather speak five words that I might teach
(23-25) If therefore the whole church be come together
(26-40) God is not the author of confusion
15. (1-8) I declare unto you the Gospel
(9-11) I am the least of the apostles
(12-20) But now is Christ risen from the dead
(21-22) for since by man came death
(23-29) But every man in his own order
(30-34) Awake to righteousness and sin not
(35-44) How are the dead raised up
(45-49) That was not first which is spiritual
(50-56) Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God
(57-58) Be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding
16. (1-4) Concerning the collection for the saints
(5-9) I will come unto you when I pass through Macedonia
(10-11) Now if Timotheus come
(12) As touching our brother Apollos
(13-14) Stand fast in the faith
(15-18) Submit yourselves unto such
(19-20) The churches of Asia salute you
(21-24) The salutation of me Paul

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