Accuracy In Biblical Education

Ezra Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) Decree of Cyrus to rebuild the Temple
(5-6) All who were stirred up to build house of the Lord rose up
(7-11) Vessels taken from Temple numbered and brought up
2. (1-54) Number and houses of children of Israel to return
(55-58) Children of Solomon's servants who rose up to return
(59-60) Those who could not show their heredity
(61-62) Children of the priests whose genealogy was not found
(63) Children of priests to wait for priest with Urim and Thummim
(64-67) Count of whole congregation and their animals
(68-69) Offerings for house of the Lord
(70) Priests, Levites, people dwell in their cities
3. (1-3) Jeshua, Zerubbabel, priests set up altar of burnt offerings
(4-5) Feast of tabernacles, continual burnt offering kept
(6-7) Foundation of Temple not done, money given to workers
(8-9) Second year, second month, appointed Levites
(10-11) Foundation of Temple laid, Priests and Levites praise God
(12-13) Ancient men weep, joy and weeping mixed
4. (1-3) Adversaries of Judah and Benjamin request to work with people
(4-7) People of land trouble the building, letter to Artaxerxes
(8-11) Rehum, Shimshai and others who prepared the letter
(12-16) Judah accused of being rebellious
(17-22) Artaxerxes order work to cease
(23-24) Rehum and Shimshai force work in Jerusalem to stop
5. (1) Haggai and Zechariah prophesy
(2) Zerubbabel and Jeshua with Jozadak build house of God
(3-6) Tatnai the governor questions work and writes to Darius
(7-17) Letter to Darius relates history, request search for Cyrus decree
6. (1-2) Darius orders search for decree of Cyrus
(3-5) Cyrus decree for the house of God to be built
(6-12) Darius orders Tatnai to provide for the work, animals for sacrifice
(13) Tatnai and Shethar-boznai do as Darius instructed
(14) Building continued, Haggai and Zechariah prophesy
(15-18) House finished, dedicated, sin offering made
(19-22) Passover kept fourteenth day of first month
7. (1-5) Lineage of Ezra
(6) Ezra identified as a scribe, leaves Babylon
(7-10) People who came up with Ezra
(11) Letter from Artaxerxes to Ezra
(12-23) Artaxerxes decree to support the work of Ezra
(24) Levites, priests, Nethinims not to pay tribute
(25-26) Ezra to appoint judges and magistrates, unlawful to be punished
(27-28) Ezra's blessing of God for his provisions
8. (1-14) Genealogy of those who returned
(15-20) Levites had to be found to accompany people
(21-23) Ezra proclaims a fast, intreats God for help
(24-30) twelve men to care for silver, gold, vessels, copper
(31-32) Ezra and company depart, God protects, Jerusalem reached
(33-34) Silver, gold and vessels weighed
(35) Burnt offerings made to the Lord
(36) King's commission delivered
9. (1-3) Israel, priests, Levites married to foreign wives
(4-5) Ezra assembled with those who trembled at God's word
(6-15) Prayer for those who have violated the Law
10. (1-4) Those who have trespassed promise to put wives away
(5) Ezra makes chief priests, Levites, people swear to keep word
(6) Ezra in mourning for transgression
(7-8) All people to gather at Jerusalem in three days
(9-17) Ezra addresses people, completed by first day of first month
(18-44) List of those who had taken foreign wives

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