Accuracy In Biblical Education

Jeremiah Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) Words of Jeremiah, to whom the word of the Lord came
(4-5) I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations
(6) I cannot speak for I am a child
(7-8) Say not I am a child, Whatsoever I command thee, shalt speak
(9-10) The Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth
(11-12) What seest thou, I will hasten my word to perform it
(13-16) I will call all the families of the North, I will utter judgments
(17-19) They shall fight against thee, shall not prevail, I am with thee
2. (1-3) Cry in the ears of Jerusalem, evil shall come upon them
(4-8) What iniquity have your fathers found in me, gone far from me
(9-13) The have forsaken me the fountain of living waters
(14-19) It is an evil thing and bitter that ye have forsaken me
(20-25) Yet thine iniquity is marked before me
(26-28) Where are thy gods that thou hast made thee
(29-30) Ye all have transgressed against me saith the Lord
(31-37) The Lord hath rejected thy confidences, thou shalt not prosper
3. (1-3) Thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms
(4-5) Thou hast spoken and done evil things as thou couldest
(6-8) Judah feared not but played the harlot also
(9-11) Judah hath not turned unto me with her whole heart
(12-14) Only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed
(15-19) I will give you pastors, shall feed you with knowledge
(20-22) Return ye backsliding children, I will heal your backslidings
(23-25) Truly in the Lord our God is the salvation of Israel
4. (1-2) If thou wilt put away thine abominations, shalt not be removed
(3-4) Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, lest my fury come forth
(5-13) The destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way
(14-18) How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee
(19-22) They are wise to do evil, to do good they have no knowledge
(23-29) I have spoken it, neither will I turn back from it
(30-31) When thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do
5. (1-2) Seek if ye can find a man, that seeketh the truth
(3-4) They are foolish, know not the way of the Lord
(5-6) I will get me unto the great men, they have known way of the Lord
(7-9) Thy children forsaken me, sworn by them that are no gods
(10-13) House of Israel, Judah dealt treacherously with the Lord
(14) I will make my words in thy mouth fire, this people wood
(15-17) I will bring a nation upon you from far, an ancient nation
(18) I will not make a full end with you
(19-22) Like as ye have forsaken me, served strange gods, serve strangers
(23-24) This people hath a revolting and rebellious heart
(25) Your sins have withholden good things from you
(26-29) Among my people are found wicked men
(30-31) Prophets prophesy falsely, people love to have it so
6. (1-5) Prepare war against her, woe unto us
(6-8) Be thou instructed O Jerusalem, lest my soul depart from thee
(9-15) They shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel
(16-17) Ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein
(18-25) Behold I will bring evil upon this people, the fruit of their thoughts
(26-27) The spoiler shall suddenly come upon us
(28-30) They are all grievous revolters
7. (1-7) Amend your ways and doings, cause you to dwell in this place
(8) Ye trust in lying words that cannot profit
(9-15) I will cast you out of my sight as I have cast out your brethren
(16) Pray not for this people, I will not hear thee
(17-20) Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah
(21-24) Obey my voice and I will be your God, they hearkened not
(25-26) Since the day of your fathers, sent unto you all my servants
(27) Thou shalt speak all these words, they will not hearken
(28-29) The Lord hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath
(30-34) They have built the high places of Tophet to burn their sons
8. (1-3) Death shall be chosen rather than life by the residue of them
(4-12) Were they ashamed when they committed abominations
(13-17) I will surely consume them, good things I have given pass away
(18-22) Harvest is past, summer is ended, we are not saved
9. (1-3) They proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me
(4-8) Through deceit they refuse to know me saith the Lord
(9-11) Shall I not visit them for these things
(12) Who is the wise man that may understand this
(13-16) They have forsaken my law, walked in imagination of their heart
(17-21) Let them make haste and take up a wailing for us
(22) Carcases of men shall fall like dung upon the open field
(23-24) Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom
(25-26) I will punish all them, circumcised with uncircumcised
10. (1-5) Learn not the way of the heathen
(6-7) There is none like thee O Lord, thou art great
(8-10) The Lord is the true God, living God, an everlasting king
(11-13) Gods that have not made the heavens, earth shall perish
(14-15) Molten image is falsehood, there is no breath in them
(16) He is the former of all things, Lord of hosts is his name
(17-18) I will sling out the inhabitants of the land and distress them
(19-22) My tabernacle is spoiled, have not sought the Lord
(23) Not in man that walketh to direct his steps
(24) Correct me with judgment, not in thine anger
(25) Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not
11. (1-5) Cursed be the man that obeyeth not words of the covenant
(6-8) Hear ye the words of this covenant and do them
(9-10) They are turned back to the iniquities of their fathers
(11) I will bring evil upon them, shall not be able to escape
(12-13) According to the number of they cities were thy gods O Judah
(14) Pray not for this people, I will not hear them
(15) When thou doest evil thou rejoicest
(16-17) Lord of hosts hath pronounced evil against thee
(18-19) I was like a lamb or an ox brought to the slaughter
(20) Lord of hosts, that triest the reins and hearts
(21-23) I will bring evil upon the men of Anathoth
12. (1-4) Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper
(5-6) Even thy brethren, house of thy father, hath dealt treacherously
(7-9) I have forsaken mine house, dearly beloved given to enemies
(10-11) Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, made it desolate
(12-13) Sword of the Lord shall devour from one end to the other
(14-16) It shall come to pass, I will return and have compassion on them
(17) If they will not obey, will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation
13. (1-5) Jeremiah to take linen girdle, hid it in a rock by Euphrates river
(6-7) Girdle retrieved from Euphrates, marred and profitable for nothing
(8-11) After this manner will I mar the pride of Judah, Jerusalem
(12-14) I will dash them one against another, I will not pity
(15-16) Be not proud, give glory to the Lord your God
(17) If ye will not hear my soul shall weep in secret... for your pride
(18-21) What wilt thou say when he shall punish thee
(22-27) If you say in thine heart, Wherefore come these things upon me
14. (1-6) Word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah concerning the dearth
(7-9) Though our iniquities testify against us, leave us not
(10-12) Thus have they loved to wander, I will consume them by the sword
(13-16) Prophets, prophesy lies, I sent them not neither commanded them
(17-18) Let mine eyes run down with tears, my people broken
(19-21) Why hast thou smitten us and there is no healing
(22) Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that cause rain
15. (1-2) Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, mind not toward
(3-4) I will appoint over them four kinds, sword, dogs, fowls, removed
(5-9) Thou hast forsaken me, I will stretch out my hand against thee
(10-11) Woe is me my mother, a man of strife and contention
(12-14) A fire is kindled in mine anger which shall burn upon you
(15-18) Why is my pain perpetual and my wound incurable
(19-21) If thou return then will I bring thee again, shalt stand before me
16. (1-4) Thou shalt not take thee a wife, neither have sons or daughters
(5-7) Enter not into the house of mourning, great and small shall die
(8-9) Thou shalt not also go into the house of feasting to eat and drink
(10-13) Ye have done worse than your fathers, walk after the imagination
(14-15) The Lord liveth that brought children of Israel from land of North
(16-18) Will recompense their iniquity, sin double, they defiled inheritance
(19-21) I will cause them to know that my name is the Lord
17. (1-2) The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, point of diamond
(3-4) I will give thy substance, thy treasures to the spoil
(5-6) Cursed be the man that trusteth in man
(7-8) Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, whose hope the Lord is
(9-11) The heart is deceitful, I the Lord search the heart
(12-14) O Lord, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed
(15-18) Let them be confounded that persecute me
(19-27) If ye will not hearken unto to me to hallow the Sabbath
18. (1-4) Go down to the potters house, vessel marred so he made it again
(5-6) House of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter
(7-8) Nation turn from evil, I will repent of the evil I thought to do
(9-10) If it do evil in my sight, I will repent of the good
(11-17) Because my people hath forgotten me, I will scatter them
(18-23) Let us devise devices against Jeremiah, deal thus with them
19. (1-2) Take earthen bottle, ancient of the people, to valley of Hinnom
(3-5) I will bring evil upon this place, they have forsaken me
(6) Days come, place called the valley of slaughter
(7-9) I will make city desolate, cause them to eat flesh of their sons
(10-13) Thou shalt break the bottle, even so will I break this people
(14-15) Jeremiah in the court of the Lord's house, evil will come
20. (1-2) Pashur strikes Jeremiah, places him in stocks
(3-6) Pashur and house to go into captivity, die there
(7-9) His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones
(10-11) The Lord is with me as a might terrible one, they shall not prevail
(12-13) He hath delivered the soul of the poor from evildoers
(14-18) Cursed be the day wherein I was born
21. (1-2) Zedekiah sends Pashur to Jeremiah to inquire of the Lord
(3-7) Thus saith the Lord, I myself will fight against you, in anger, fury
(8-10) I set before you the way of life and the way of death
(11-14) Touching the house of the king of Judah, I am against thee
22. (1) Go down to the house of the king of Judah
(2-5) If ye will not hear these words, house shall become desolation
(6-7) I will prepare destroyers against thee, every one with his weapons
(8) Many nations shall pass by, wherefore hath the Lord done this
(9) Because they have forsaken the covenant, worshiped other gods
(10) Weep ye not for the dead, weep sore for him that goeth away
(11-12) Touching Shallum the son of Josiah king of Judah
(13-17) Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness
(18-19) Jehoiakim, shall be buried with burial of an ass, beyond the gates
(20-23) I spake unto thee in thy prosperity, thou saidst I will not hear
(24-30) Coniah, no man of his seed shall prosper, ruling any more in Judah
23. (1-4) Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep
(5-6) The days come that I will raise unto David a righteous branch
(7-8) The days come, Lord liveth, brought seed of Israel out of North
(9-12) Mine heart within me is broken because of the prophets
(13-14) Folly in prophets of Samaria, horrible thing in prophets of Judah
(15-18) Hearken not unto the words of the prophets, they make you vain
(19-20) A whirlwind of the Lord hath gone forth in fury
(21-32) I have not sent these prophets, I have not spoken to them
(33-38) Ye have perverted the words of the living God
(39-40) I will utterly forget you, bring an everlasting reproach upon you
24. (1-3) God shows Jeremiah two baskets of figs, one good, one very bad
(4-7) Good figs are those taken away captive for their own good
(8-10) Bad figs into all the kingdoms until they are consumed
25. (1) Word that came to Jeremiah in the fourth year of Jehoiakim
(2-3) Jeremiah, prophets word since the thirteenth year of Josiah
(4-7) Lord hath sent all his servants the prophets, ye have not hearkened
(8-10) Because ye have not heard my words
(11) To serve the king of Babylon seventy years
(12-14) When seventy years accomplished, I will punish king of Babylon
(15-33) Take the wine cup of this fury, cause all the nations to drink it
(34-36) Howl ye shepherds, the Lord hath spoiled their pasture
(37-38) The peaceable habitations are cut down because of anger of Lord
26. (1) In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim, word from the Lord
(2) Stand in the court of the Lord's house, diminish not a word
(3) If so be they will hearken, I may repent me of the evil
(4-7) If ye will not hearken, will make this city a curse
(8-9) When Jeremiah ended, people took him, thou shalt surely die
(10-11) Princes of Judah come up, this man is worthy to die
(12-13) The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house
(14-15) If ye put me to death, bring innocent blood upon yourselves
(16) Princes and all the people said, this man is not worthy to die
(17-19) Prophecy of Micah, Hezekiah did not put him at all to death
(20-23) Urijah the prophet who was killed by Jehoiakim
(24) Ahikam was with Jeremiah that they should not kill him
27. (1-2) Jeremiah to make bonds and yokes, wear them about his neck
(3-11) Message to kingdoms, to serve Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
(12-13) Word to Zedekiah to serve Nebuchadnezzar
(14-17) Hearken not to the prophets that lie, I have not sent them
(18) If they be prophets let them make intercession to the Lord
(19-21) Vessels in house of the Lord, king's house to be taken
(22) Vessels to be restored when God brings them back
28. (1-4) Hananiah prophesies vessels, Jeconiah to be returned in two years
(5-9) Jeremiah's response to the prophecy of Hananiah
(10-11) Hananiah breaks yoke Jeremiah wore, yoke of Babylon removed
(12-14) Thou hast broken the yokes of wood, to be yokes of iron
(15-17) Hananiah not sent by God, to die in the year, Hananiah dies
29. (1-3) Letter from Jeremiah to those taken away captive
(4-7) Build houses, takes wives, have children, seek peace in the cities
(8-9) Let not your prophets and diviners deceive you
(10-14) Seventy years to be accomplished, to return, call on the Lord
(15-19) Consequences of not hearing the prophets sent by God
(20-23) False prophets named, to be killed, they have committed villainy
(24-32) Shemaiah the false prophet to be punished for teaching rebellion
30. (1-3) Jeremiah to write Lord's words in a book, people to return
(4-17) I will restore health unto thee, heal thee of thy wounds
(18-22) Ye shall be my people and I will be your God
(23-24) The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return until he have done it
31. (1-9) Behold I will bring them from the North country, gather them
(10-14) They shall come and sing in the height of Zion
(15) A voice was heard in Ramah, Rachel weeping for her children
(16-17) There is hope in thine end, shall come again to their own border
(18-21) I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself
(22-26) I have satiated the weary soul, replenished every sorrowful soul
(27-30) Behold the days come saith the Lord I will sow the house of Israel
(31-34) Behold the days come I will make a new covenant, not like old
(35-37) If the ordinances of heaven depart, Israel's seed shall cease
(38-40) The days come, city shall be built to the Lord
32. (1-2) Jerusalem besieged, Jeremiah shut up in prison in king's house
(3-5) Zedekiah shall not escape out of the hands of the Chaldeans
(6-12) Jeremiah buys land in Anathoth for seventeen shekels of silver
(13-15) Jeremiah charges Baruch to seal the evidences in earthen vessel
(16-25) Jeremiah prays to God
(26-27) I am the Lord, is there any thing too hard for me
(28-35) This city hath been to me as a provocation of mine anger
(36-44) People to be brought back, I will give them one heart
33. (1) Word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah in the prison
(2-5) They come to fight with the Chaldeans, filled with dead bodies
(6-8) I will cure them, reveal abundance of peace and truth
(9-11) Again there shall be heard in this place ... voice of joy
(12-14) The days come, I will perform the good thing I have promised
(15-16) Branch of righteousness to grow up, Judah to be saved
(17) David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne
(18) Neither shall the priests, Levites want a man to do sacrifice
(19-22) If ye can break the covenant of the day, then covenant broken
(23-24) Considerest not what this people have spoken
(25-26) If my covenant be not with day and night, will cast away seed
34. (1) Word which came to Jeremiah when Jerusalem besieged
(2-5) Speak to Zedekiah, thou shalt not escape, shall die in peace
(6-7) Jeremiah spake words, Babylon's armies against Jerusalem
(8-11) All servants freed then brought into subjection again
(12-17) Ye have not hearkened unto me in proclaiming liberty
(18-20) Men that transgressed to be given into hands of their enemies
(21) Zedekiah and his princes to be given to hands of their enemies
(22) Jerusalem to be burned with fire, made a desolate waste
35. (1-3) To speak to Rechabites, bring to house of the Lord, drink wine
(4-11) Rechabites refuse, instructed by their father to not drink wine
(12-16) Rechabites kept fathers command, people have not hearkened
(17) Evil to come on Judah, Jerusalem, God spoken, have not heard
(18-19) Jonadab son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me
36. (1-3) Take thee the roll of a book and write therein all the words
(4-8) Baruch wrote all the words, to read it to people in the Lord's house
(9-10) Fifth year of Jehoiakim, fast declared, Baruch reads from the book
(11-15) Princes hear of the reading, call for Baruch to read the words
(16-19) How didst write all these words, Baruch and Jeremiah to hide
(20-25) King has the roll read, casts in the fire, they were not afraid
(26) King commands arrest of Baruch, Jeremiah, Lord hid them
(27-28) Lord tells Jeremiah to write all the words in another roll
(29-31) Jehoiakim's dead body, none of his heirs to sit on throne
(32) Second roll written, there added many like words
37. (1-2) Zedekiah reigns in Judah, none listen to the words of Jeremiah
(3-4) Zedekiah sends to Jeremiah to pray for the people
(5) Chaldeans besieging Jerusalem leave to go after Egyptians
(6-10) Chaldeans to return, even if they all wounded, burn the city
(11-15) Jeremiah tries to leave Jerusalem, accusations and imprisoned
(16-17) Zedekiah secretly meets with Jeremiah, any word from the Lord
(18-19) Where are now your prophets that prophesied
(20-21) Jeremiah asks not to be sent back to house of Jonathan the scribe
38. (1-4) Princes ask Zedekiah to put Jeremiah to death
(5-6) Jeremiah placed in dungeon, let down by cords, sank in the mire
(7-13) Ebed-melech the Ethiopian and thirty men bring Jeremiah up
(14-16) Zedekiah meets with Jeremiah, will not kill him
(17-23) If thou refuse to go forth, city to be burned
(24-27) Zedekiah tells Jeremiah how to answer the princes
(28) Jeremiah remained in the prison until day Jerusalem taken
39. (1) Ninth year, tenth month of Zedekiah, Babylonian siege begins
(2-3) Eleventh year, fourth month, ninth day, Jerusalem broken up
(4-7) Zedekiah flees, is caught, sons killed, his eyes put out, in chains
(8) King's house burned, walls of Jerusalem broken down
(9-10) Nebuzar-adan carries away remnant, poor left, given land
(11-14) Nebuzar-adan given charge of Jeremiah, given to Gedeliah
(15-18) Lord's word to Ebed-melech, I will surely deliver thee
40. (1-5) Nebuzar-adan offers to take Jeremiah to Babylon, is free to go
(6) Jeremiah goes to Gedeliah to Mizpah
(7-10) Gedeliah governor, to dwell at Mizpah, others to go to their cities
(11-12) Jews who had gone to Moab, Edom, Ammon come to Gedeliah
(13-16) Ammonite King sends assassin to kill Gedeliah, does not believe
41. (1-10) Ishmael kills Gedeliah, men of Mizpah, men of Shechem, captives
(11-15) Johanan goes to fight Ishmael, captives freed, Ishmael escapes
(16-18) Johanan and people dwell by Bethlehem, fear of Chaldeans
42. (1-4) Johanan and people ask Jeremiah to ask God what they should do
(5-6) Whether it be good, evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord
(7-12) To remain in the land, not to fear king of Babylon, Lord with them
(13-18) Fury of God to be on them if they go to Egypt
(19-22) Go ye not into Egypt, I have admonished you this day
43. (1-4) Thou speakest falsely, to deliver us into the hands of the Chaldeans
(5-7) Johanan, captains, took the remnant, Jeremiah, Baruch, into Egypt
(8-13) Nebuchadrezzar to smite the land of Egypt
44. (1-10) Word of the Lord to Jeremiah concerning the Jews gone to Egypt
(11-14) None of the remnant that have gone to Egypt will return
(15-19) We will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our mouth
(20-23) Evil came upon them because they burned incense to other gods
(24-27) Men of Judah in Egypt shall be consumed by sword, famine
(28) Yet a small number that escape the sword shall return
(29-30) Sign, Pharaoh to be given in the hands of his enemies, Babylonians
45. (1) Word Jeremiah spoke to Baruch when book was written
(2-5) Thy life will I give unto thee for a prey, whither thou goest
46. (1-26) Daughter of Egypt confounded, delivered to people of the North
(27-28) Fear not Jacob, I will not make a full end of thee
47. (1) Word of the Lord to Jeremiah against the Philistines
(2-7) The Lord will spoil all the Philistines, remnant of Caphtor
48. (1-6) Against Moab thus saith the Lord, Moab is destroyed
(7-10) Chemosh shall go forth into captivity with his priests
(11-13) Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh as Israel ashamed of Bethel
(14-25) The calamity of Moab is near to come, horn of Moab cut off
(26-27) Moab shall wallow in his vomit, shall be in derision
(28-29) We have heard the pride of Moab
(30-34) Joy and gladness taken from plentiful field and land of Moab
(35-39) I will cause to cease in Moab him that offereth in the high places
(40-47) Moab shall be destroyed from being a people
49. (1-6) Concerning the Ammonites, I will bring a fear upon thee
(7-22) Edom a desolation, as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah
(23-27) Concerning Damascus, will kindle a fire in wall, consume palaces
(28-33) Kedar, kingdoms of Hazor to be spoiled, dwelling for dragons
(34-39) Against Elam, will the four winds and scatter them
50. (1) Word against Babylon and land of the Chaldeans
(2-3) Babylon taken, Bel confounded, Merodach broken in pieces
(4-8) In those days, children of Judah shall ask the way to Zion
(9-16) Great company of nations from North country to come on Babylon
(17-20) Babylon, Assyria punished, iniquity of Israel, Judah pardoned
(21-32) How is Babylon become a desolation among the nations
(33-34) Their redeemer is strong, Lord of hosts is his name
(35-38) Sword upon the Chaldeans, the liars, their horses, drought
(39-40) Neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation
(41-43) A people shall come from North, King of Babylon hath heard
(44-46) At the noise of the taking of Babylon the earth is moved
51. (1-4) Lord to raise up destroying wind against Babylon
(5-6) Israel hath not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God
(7-9) Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord's hand
(10) Let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord our God
(11) Lord hath raised up the spirit of the king of the Medes
(12-14) Set up standard on walls of Babylon, thine end has come
(15-16) He hath made the earth by his power, stretched out the heaven
(17-18) Molten image is falsehood, there is no breath in them
(19) The portion of Jacob is not like them, former of all things
(20-24) God breaks in pieces, will render to Babylon all their evil
(25-26) I am against thee O destroying mountain saith the Lord
(27-29) Every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon
(30-33) Daughter of Babylon like threshingfloor, time to thresh her
(34-36) Nebuchadrezzar hath devoured me, Lord to take vengeance
(37-48) The days come, I will do judgment upon the graven images
(49-50) At Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth
(51-59) The spoiler is come upon her, even upon Babylon
(60) Jeremiah wrote in a book these words written against Babylon
(61-64) Book to be read, thrown into Euphrates, thus shall Babylon sink
52. (1-2) Zedekiah twenty-one at begin of reign, did evil in eyes of Lord
(3) Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon
(4-7) Siege of Jerusalem, men of war fled the city by night
(8-11) Zedekiah captured, sons killed, eyes put out, in prison till death
(12-16) House of the Lord, king's house burned, those who were taken
(17-23) Items taken from house of the Lord, weight of brass of vessels
(24-27) Men found in the city taken to Riblah, put to death
(28-30) Numbers of the captives that were taken in year they were taken
(31-34) Evil-merodach shows kindness to Jehoiachin

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