Accuracy In Biblical Education

Second Kings Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1) Moab rebels against Israel
(2-8) Ahaziah sends to inquire of Baal-zebub
(9-10) Fifty sent to get Elijah, consumed by fire
(11-12) Second fifty sent to Elijah, consumed by fire
(13-15) Third fifty come to Elijah, angel tells him to go
(16-18) Death of Ahaziah, summary of his reign
2. (1-7) Elijah to be taken, Elisha reuses to leave him
(8-10) Elisha requests a double portion of Elijah's spirit
(11-13) Elijah taken up in a chariot of fire
(14) Elisha parts the Jordan river with Elijah's mantle
(15-18) Sons of the prophets seek Elijah
(19-22) Elisha heals the water at Jericho
(23-25) Elisha mocked by children, cursed them in the name of the Lord
3. (1-3) Jehoram son of Ahab reigns, put away Baal
(4-6) Moab rebels against Israel, Jehoram numbers Israel
(7-8) Jehoshaphat king of Judah to help Jehoram
(9-12) No water for the host or cattle, sent for Elisha
(13-20) Elisha calls for minstrel, valley to filled with water
(21-23) Moabites see red on water, think kings are slain
(24-26) Israelites rose up and smote the Moabites
(27) King of Moab sacrifices his son, Israelites withdraw
4. (1-7) Widows sons to be taken by creditor, pot of oil
(8-17) Shunamite woman cares for Elisha, to have a son
(18-37) Shunamites son dies, raised by Elisha
(38-41) Sons of prophets eat poisonous gourds, Elisha intervenes
(42-44) Man of Baalshalisha brings firstfruits, people fed
5. (1-4) Maid tells Naaman's wife of man of God in Samaria
(5-7) King of Syria sends letter to the king of Israel for Naaman
(8) Elisha hears that the king rent his garments
(9-14) Naaman resists Elisha's command but then follows them
(15-19) Naaman healed, returns to Elisha, promises to worship God
(20-27) Gehazi seeks reward from Naaman, becomes leper
6. (1-7) Sons of prophets build house, axe head retrieved
(8-14) War with Syria, Elisha warns king of Israel, plot against Elisha
(15-17) Young man's eyes opened, sees chariots of fire
(18) Elisha prays, Syrians blinded
(19-23) Syrians blinded, taken to Samaria and released
(24-25) Ben-hadad besieges Samaria, famine
(26-31) Two women agree to eat their sons, one cries to the king
(32-33) This son of a murderer hath sent to take away mine head
7. (1-2) Tomorrow about this time ... prophecy food would be available
(3-9) Four lepers go to the camp of the Syrians for food
(10-11) Lepers report the Syrians have gone to the city porters
(12-15) Messengers sent out to find the Syrians
(16) Tents of the Syrians spoiled, prophecy fulfilled
(17-20) The lord who doubted trampled in the gate
8. (1-6) Shunamite woman returns, goods and lands restored
(7-15) Ben-hadad sends Hazael to Elisha, Hazael kills Ben-hadad
(16-19) Jerhoram's evil reign in Judah
(20-24) Joram fights Edom, Libnah, death of Joram
(25-29) Ahaziah reigns, fights with Joram against Syrians
9. (1-4) Elisha sends son of prophets to anoint Jehu
(5-10) Jehu anointed, prophecy against house of Ahab
(11-14) Jehu reveals God's word, proclaimed king
(15-26) Jehu rides against Joram and kills him
(27-29) Ahaziah flees Jehu, Ahaziah killed and buried in Jerusalem
(30-37) Jezebel thrown from window, only skull, feet palms remain
10. (1-11) Seventy sons of Ahab killed, all that remained of Ahab killed
(12-14) Forty-two of Ahaziah's brethren killed
(15-17) All that remained of Ahab in Samaria killed
(18-28) Priests of Baal killed, images of Baal destroyed
(29) Jehu continues to worship the golden calves at Dan and Bethel
(30) Jehu's children to fourth generation to sit on the throne
(31) Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord
(32-33) In those days the Lord began to cut Israel short
(34-36) Jehu reigns twenty-eight years, dies
11. (1-3) Athaliah kills the seed royal, Joash hidden six years
(4-12) Jehoiada sends for rulers, Joash made king
(13-16) Athaliah cries treason, removed and killed
(17-20) Images of Baal broken, priests of Baal killed
(21) Jehoash seven years old when began reign
12. (1-2) Jehoash's reign summarized, reigned forty years
(3) High places not removed, sacrifice and incense burnt
(4-5) Jehoash directs money to be collected, temple repairs
(6-8) Twenty-third year repairs still not done
(9-16) Money accounted for, workers hired to repair the temple
(17-18) Hazael of Syria takes Gath, hallowed things, gold sent to Hazael
(19) Summary of Joash's reign
(20-21) Joash killed by his servants who conspired against him
13. (1-2) Jehoahaz son of Jehu reigns seventeen years in Israel
(3-5) Syria oppresses Israel, Jehoahaz asks God for help
(6-7) Israel continued in sins of Jereboam, small army
(8-9) Summary of Jehoahaz's reign, Joash rules
(10-13) Jehoash son of Jehoahaz's reigns sixteen years and does evil
(14-19) Elisha sick, visited by Joash, Israel to smite Syria three times
(20) Death of Elisha
(21) Dead man thrown into Elisha's sepulcher, comes to life
(22-25) Israel takes back cities taken by Syria
14. (1-3) Amaziah twenty-five reigns twenty-nine years in Jerusalem
(4) Sacrifices and incense burned in high places
(5-6) Amaziah kills those who slew his father
(7) Amaziah kills ten thousand of Edom, takes Selah renames it
(8-14) Jehoash battles Amaziah, Amaziah captured, Jerusalem spoiled
(15-16) Summary of reign of Jehoash
(17-20) Amaziah's reign, killed by conspirators
(21-22) Azariah made king, restores Elath to Judah
(23-24) Jereboam II reigns in Israel and does evil
(25-27) Jereboam's deeds as king
(28-29) Jereboam's reign summarized
15. (1-7) The good reign of Azariah, stricken with leprosy by God
(8-12) Zachariah king of Israel, killed by Shallum
(13-15) Shallum reigns over Israel, killed by Menahem
(16-22) Menahems's evil reign, one thousand talents of silver to Pul
(23-26) Pekahiah reigns over Israel, does evil, killed by Pekah
(27-31) Pekah's evil reign, Tiglath-pileser, killed by Hoshea
(32-38) Jotham reigns over Judah, does right
16. (1-4) Ahaz reigns in Judah, sacrifices his son
(5-18) Ahaz asks Tiglath-pileser for help, sends gold from the temple
(19-20) Summary of reign of Ahaz
17. (1-6) Hoshea reigns over Israel, Assyrians take Israel
(7-23) So was Israel carried away out of their own land
(24) King of Assyria brought men from out of their country to Israel
(25-26) God sent lions among them because they feared not the Lord
(27-28) Priest returned to Bethel to teach about God
(29-41) God is feared but idol worship continues
18. (1-6) Good reign of Hezekiah, brasen serpent destroyed
(7-8) rebelled against king of Assyria, smote the Philistines
(9-12) Assyrians carry away Israel after three year siege
(13-16) Hezekiah gives silver from temple to Sennacherib
(17-25) Assyrians return, Rabshakeh's threats
(26-35) Neither let Hezekiah make you trust in the Lord
(36-37) But the people held their peace
19. (1-4) When Hezekiah heard it he rent his clothes
(5-7) So the servants of King Hezekiah came to Isaiah
(8-13) Rabshakeh returns, let not thy God deceive thee
(14-19) Save thou us, that all the kingdoms may know that thou art ...Lord
(20-34) Isaiah sends message, Thus saith the Lord
(35-37) Angel smote Assyrians, Sennacherib killed by his sons
20. (1-3) Hezekiah sick, Isaiah tells of his death
(4-6) God to heal, adds fifteen years to his life
(7-10) Hezekiah asks what sign would be given
(11) God causes shadow of sun to go back fifteen degrees
(12-13) Babylonians shown all precious things
(14-15) What have they seen in thine house
(16-19) The days come that all that is in thine house carried into Babylon
(20-21) Summary of Hezekiah's reign
21. (1-6) Manasseh reigns and does evil
(7-9) Manasseh places graven image in house of the Lord
(10-15) I will ... deliver them into the hands of their enemies
(16-18) Manasseh sheds innocent blood ...dies
(19-22) Amon reigns two years and does evil
(23-26) Amon killed, conspirators killed, Josiah made king
22. (1-2) Josiah reigns thirty-one years and does right
(3-7) Josiah commands count of silver to repair the temple
(8-13) Book of the Law found, presented to Josiah
(14-20) Huldah the prophetess, evil to come, Josiah to die in peace
23. (1-3) Josiah reads the Law before elders of Judah and priest, prophets
(4-5) Vessels for Baal, groves removed, idolatrous priests put down
(6) Grove removed from house of the Lord, burned at Kidron
(7-9) Houses of Sodomites destroyed, priests and high places removed
(10) Defiled Tophet in Hinnom so children could not be sacrificed
(11-14) Chariots of sun, altars, high places and images destroyed
(15) Altar at Bethel built by Jereboam destroyed
(16) Bones from sepulchers burned
(17-18) Man of God's bones not to be disturbed
(19-20) Houses of high places and priests destroyed
(21-23) There was not holden such a Passover since the days of the Judges
(24) Workers with familiar spirits, wizards put away
(25) Like unto him was there no king before or after
(26-27) The Lord turned not from the fierceness of his wrath
(28-30) Josiah killed at Megiddo, buried
(31-33) Jehoahaz reigns, did evil, imprisoned at Riblah
(34-35) Necho makes Eliakim king, changes his name to Jehoiakim
(36-37) Jehoiakim's evil reign, king for eleven years
24. (1-6) The reign of Jehoiakim, his death
(7) Egypt conquered by Babylon
(8-9) Jehoiachin reigns, does evil
(10-17) Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerusalem, Zedekiah made king
(18-20) Zedekiah reigns, does evil, rebelled against king of Babylon
25. (1-7) Jerusalem besieged, Zedekiah flees but is captured
(8-10) Nebuzar-adan burns the great houses, wall broken down
(11-12) Poor of the land left to be vinedressers, husbandmen
(13-17) Items from the house of the Lord that were taken
(18-21) Priest, keepers of door, seventy others found
(22-24) Gedeliah made governor, to serve the king of Babylon
(25-26) Ishmael kills Gedeliah, people flee to Egypt
(27-30) Evil-merodach shows kindness to Jehoiachin

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