Accuracy In Biblical Education

Numbers Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) Command to number males 20 years old and up
(4-16) Heads of tribes appointed
(17-19) Census carried out as commanded
(20-46) Results of the census
(47-50) Levites exempted
(51-53) Levites responsibility and relationship to the Tabernacle
(54) Summary - instructions carried out
2. (1-33) Placement of the tribes around the Tabernacle
(34) Summary of things done as commanded
3. (1-3) The sons of Aaron consecrated as priests
(4) Nadab and Abihu
(5-9) Levites given to priests as for service to Tabernacle
(10) Anointment of priests - foreigners excluded
(11-13) Levites taken instead of the firstborn
(14-22) Census of the Levites
(23-39) Division of tasks for the Levites - total number
(40-51) Numbering of the firstborn and Levites - redemption money
4. (1-3) Census of the sons of Kohath
(4-15) Procedures for preparing the holy things for movement
(16) Responsibilities of Eleazar
(17-20) Sons of Kohath and the holy things
(21-28) Sons of Gershon - coverings of the Tabernacle
(29-33) Sons of Merari - boards, pillars etc.
(34-49) Census of the houses of Kohath, Gershon, Merari
5. (1-4) Lepers etc. put out of the camp
(5-10) Recompense for trespasses
(11-31) Infidelity
6. (1-21) Law of the Nazarite
(22-27) Blessing of the Children of Israel
7. (1-9) Day the Tabernacle dedicated - wagons offered
(10-11) Gods instructions for the offerings for the altar
(12-17) Offerings on the first day of the dedication - Judah
(18-23) Offerings on the second day of the dedication - Issachar
(24-29) Offerings on the third day of the dedication - Zebulun
(30-35) Offerings on the fourth day of the dedication - Reuben
(36-41) Offerings on the fifth day of the dedication - Simeon
(42-47) Offerings on the sixth day of the dedication - Gad
(48-53) Offerings on the seventh day of the dedication - Ephraim
(54-59) Offerings on the eighth day of the dedication - Manasseh
(60-65) Offerings on the ninth day of the dedication - Benjamin
(66-71) Offerings on the tenth day of the dedication - Dan
(72-77) Offerings on the eleventh day of the dedication - Asher
(78-83) Offerings on the twelfth day of the dedication - Naphtali
(84-88) Summary of the offerings
(89) God speaks from between the Cherubim on the Mercy Seat
8. (1-4) Lighting the candlestick / lampstand
(5-19) Instruction and reason for separation of the Levites
(20-22) Separation & cleansing of the Levites carried out
(23-26) Ages of the Levites to serve in the Tabernacle
9. (1-5) Keeping of the Passover
(6-14) Questions and exceptions on keeping the Passover
(15-23) The cloud and movement of the Tabernacle and Israel
10. (1-10) Silver trumpets and their use
(11-13) Israel leaves Sinai
(14-28) Procession - order of Israel as they marched
(29-32) Moses asks his brother-in-law to with them
(33-36) Ark set forward to find resting place for Israel
11. (1-3) Complainers consumed by fire
(4-6) People cry for flesh
(7-9) Description of Manna
(10-15) Moses weary - asks God to kill him
(16-17) Seventy to help bear the burden
(18-23) God promises to provide flesh
(24-25) Seventy elders receive spirit and prophesy
(26-30) Eldad and Medad prophesy in the camp
(31-34) Quails and the plague from God
(35) The people move on
12. (1-3) Aaron and Miriam complain about Moses wife
(4-9) God speaks to Aaron, Moses and Miriam
(10-15) Miriam stricken with leprosy
(16) Camp moved from Hazeroth to Paran
13. (1-3) God commands men to search out Canaan
(4-16) List of those sent to spy
(17-20) Moses instructions
(21-25) The results of the search
(26-33) The report of the spies
14. (1-10) People cry out and plan to return to Egypt
(11-12) God threatens to destroy Israel
(13-19) Moses intercedes
(20-25) God's response
(26-38) God pronounces judgment - to wander 40 years
(39-45) Attempt to enter Canaan against God's will
15. (1-16) Law of burnt offerings - when in land
(17-21) Heave offering of the bread of the land
(22-29) Offering for sin of ignorance
(30-31) Presumptuous sin
(32-36) Consequence for violating the Sabbath
(37-41) Fringe of blue on garments to remember God
16. (1-35) Rebellion of Dathan and Abiram
(36-40) Censers recovered and used as cover for the altar
(41-45) People murmur - God threatens to consume them
(46-50) Aaron takes censer and intervenes
17. (1-9) Leadership confirmed by rod budding
(10-11) Aaron's rod kept as a token
(12-13) Fear of Tabernacle expressed
18. (1-7) Charges in service of the Tabernacle
(8-19) Priests portions of the offerings etc.
(20-24) Levites inheritance
(25-32) Offerings to be given by Levites
19. (1-10) The burnt heifer of purification - water of separation
(11-16) Uncleanness and dead bodies
(17-22) Water of purification and cleansing
20. (1) Move to Kadesh - Miriam dies
(2-13) Meribah - Moses strikes the rock
(14-21) Edom denies passage
(22) Movement from Kadesh to Mount Hor
(23-29) Aaron dies - Eleazar made priest
21. (1-3) War with Canaanites
(4-9) Fiery serpents from God
(10-20) Movement of the Hebrews described
(21-32) War with Sihon king of the Amorites
(33-35) War with Og king of Bashan
22. (1-21) Balak sends for Balaam
(22-35) Angel blocks Balaam's way
(36-41) Balak and Balaam meet
23. (1-3) Balak and Balaam offer burnt offerings
(4-5) God talks to Balaam
(6-10) Balaam speaks the word from God
(11-15) Balak moves Balaam to Zophim
(16) God puts a word in Balaam's mouth
(17-24) Balaam speaks to Balak again
(25-30) Balak moves Balaam to Peor
24. (1-9) Balaam blesses Israel
(10-13) Balak angry with Balaam
(14-24) Balaam prophesies
(25) Balak and Balaam part company
25. (1-5) Israelites fornicate and worship baal
(6-15) Phinehas kills Israelite and Midianite woman
(16-18) God commands Israel to vex Midian
26. (1-4) Command to take the sum of the people 20 yrs old and upward
(5-11) Reuben
(12-14) Simeon
(15-18) Gad
(19-22) Judah
(23-25) Issachar
(26-27) Zebulun
(28-34) Manasseh
(35-37) Ephraim
(38-41) Benjamin
(42-43) Dan
(44-47) Asher
(48-50) Naphtali
(51) Total of the census
(52-56) Way the land is to be divided
(57-62) Levi
(63-65) Number did not include those numbered at Sinai - had died
27. (1-7) Daughters of Zelophehad given inheritance
(8-11) Succession for inheritance
(12-14) Moses to see land and die
(15-23) Joshua appointed as successor
28. (1-2) Reminder to offer sacrifices
(3-8) Daily continual burnt offerings
(9-10) Sabbath offerings
(11-15) Offering in beginnings of months
(16) Passover
(17-25) Feast of unleavened bread
(26-31) Offerings with firstfruits
29. (1-6) Offerings in the seventh month - 1st day
(7-11) 10th day
(12-16) 15th day
(17-19) 2nd day
(20-22) 3rd day
(23-25) 4th day
(26-28) 5th day
(29-31) 6th day
(32-34) 7th day
(35-38) 8th day
(39-40) Law passed on to Israel
30. (1-2) If a man makes a vow
(3-5) Daughter making a vow
(6-8) Wife making a vow
(9) Vows by women widowed and divorced
(10-15) Wife - vow in husbands house
(16) Summary - statutes between father/daughter and husband/wife
31. (1-8) War with Midian
(9-12) Women and spoils taken
(13-18) Moses and judgment of women and children taken
(19-20) Those who had killed or touched the dead to cleanse
(21-24) Purification of the spoils and men
(25-31) Tribute required
(32-40) List of spoils
(41-47) Portion of Eleazar and the Levites
(48-54) Officers make an oblation
32. (1-5) Reuben and Gad request to settle in Gilead
(6-15) Moses warns against discouraging Israel
(16-19) Reuben and Gad promise to fight
(20-24) Moses judgment
(25-27) Reuben and Gad promise to fight
(28-32) Presentation to the priest and chiefs
(33-42) Settlements of Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh
33. (1-49) Summary of movement and events in the wilderness
(50-56) God's commands to possess the land and warning
34. (1-2) Description of inheritance
(3-5) Southern border
(6) Western border
(7-9) Northern border
(10-12) Eastern border
(13-15) Moses gives commandment to the people
(16-29) Men named who will divide the inheritance
35. (1-8) Cities to be given to the Levites
(9-15) Cities of refuge to be given
(16-34) Murder and consequences
36. (1-12) Marriage and inheritance of the land
(13) Commandment / judgments given in the plain of Moab

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