Accuracy In Biblical Education

Proverbs Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-4) The proverbs of Solomon, to know wisdom and instruction
(5-6) A wise man will hear and will increase learning
(7-9) Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge
(10-19) If sinners entice thee consent thou not
(20-23) How long ye simple ones will ye love simplicity
(24-32) They hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord
(33) Whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely
2. (1-5) If thou wilt receive my words, find the knowledge of God
(6-9) The Lord giveth wisdom, then shalt thou understand righteousness
(10-20) When wisdom entereth into thine heart, discretion shall preserve
(21-22) The upright shall dwell in the land, the wicked shall be cut off
3. (1-4) Forget not my law, length of days, peace shall they add to thee
(5-6) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, not own understanding
(7-8) Be not wise in thine own eyes, fear the Lord, depart from evil
(9-10) Honour the Lord with thy substance, all thine increase
(11-12) Despise not the chastening of the Lord
(13-18) Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, that getteth understanding
(19-20) The Lord by wisdom hath founded the Earth
(21-26) For the Lord shall be thy confidence
(27-29) Withhold not good from them to whom it is due
(30) Strive not with a man without cause, have done thee no harm
(31-32) Envy thou not the oppressor, choose none of his ways
(33-34) The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked
(35) Wise shall inherit glory, shame the promotion of fools
4. (1-13) Take fast hold of instruction, for she is thy life
(14-19) Enter not into the path of the wicked, go not in the way of evil men
(20-22) Incline thine ear unto my sayings, they are life unto those that find
(23-27) Keep thy heart with all diligence, out of it are the issues of life
5. (1-2) Attend unto my wisdom, that thou mayest regard discretion
(3-14) Lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, her end is bitter
(15-20) Why wilt thou my son be ravished with a strange woman
(21) The ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord
(22-23) His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself
6. (1-3) If thou be surety for thy friend, snared with words of thy mouth
(4-11) How long wilt thou sleep O sluggard, so shall thy poverty come
(12-15) A wicked man walketh with a froward mouth, sudden calamity
(16-19) These six things doth the Lord hate, seven are an abomination
(20-22) Keep thy father's commandment, forsake not the law of thy mother
(23-26) The law is light... they keep thee from the evil woman
(27-28) Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned
(29) He that goeth in to his neighbor's wife shall not be innocent
(30-35) Whoso committeth adultery, destroyeth his own soul
7. (1-5) Keep my commandments and live
(6-23) I discerned among the youths, there met him a woman
(24-27) Let not thine heart decline to her ways, her house is the way to hell
8. (1-3) Doth not wisdom cry, understanding put forth her voice
(4-5) My voice is to the sons of men, O ye simple understand wisdom
(6-9) My mouth shall speak truth, words are in righteousness
(10-11) Wisdom is better than rubies
(12) I wisdom dwell with prudence...knowledge of witty inventions
(13) The fear of the Lord is to hate evil
(14-16) Counsel is mine, by me kings reign, princes rule
(17-19) Riches and honour are with me, my fruit is better than gold
(20-21) I lead in the way of righteousness
(22-31) Lord possessed me in the beginning, before his works of old
(32-36) Blessed are they that keep my ways, they that hate me love death
9. (1-6) Wisdom hath builded her house, whoso is simple let him turn in
(7-9) Reprove not a scorner, rebuke a wise man and he will love thee
(10-12) Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, thy days multiplied
(13-18) foolish woman, her guests are in the depths of hell
10. (1) A wise son maketh a glad father
(2) Treasures of wickedness profit nothing
(3-32) Contrast, wise, unwise, righteous and wicked
11. (1) False balance is abomination, just weight is his delight
(2-3) Pride brings shame, integrity of the upright shall guide them
(4-6) Righteousness delivers from death, wicked shall fall
(7-11) By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, wicked perish
(12-21) Wicked not unpunished, seed of righteous shall be delivered
(22) As jewel in swine's snout so is fair woman without discretion
(23-26) There is that scattereth yet increaseth
(27-28) Seeking good, mischief, rich and righteous
(29) He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind
(30-31) Fruit of the righteous is a tree of life
12. (1) Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge
(2-3) Man shall not be established by wickedness, righteous not moved
(4) A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband
(5-14) Thoughts actions and words of righteous and wicked compared
(15-16) The way of a fool is right in his own eyes
(17-23) Righteous speak truth, lying lips are an abomination
(24) Diligent shall bear rule, slothful shall be under tribute
(25) Heaviness in the heart of man, a good word maketh it glad
(26) Righteous more excellent, way of the wicked seduceth them
(27) Slothful man roasteth not what is taken in the hunt
(28) In the way of righteousness is life
13. (1) Wise son heareth his father's instruction
(2-3) He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life
(4) Sluggard desires and has nothing, diligent shall be made fat
(5-6) A righteous man hateth lying
(7-8) There is that maketh himself rich yet hath nothing
(9) Light of the righteous rejoiceth, lamp of wicked put out
(10) By pride cometh contention
(11) Wealth gotten by vanity shall diminish
(12) Hope deferred maketh the heart sick
(13-18) Good understanding giveth favor, way of transgressor is hard
(19) It is abomination to fools to depart from evil
(20-21) Evil pursueth sinners, righteous repaid with good
(22) A good man leaves inheritance to his children's children
(23) There is that is destroyed for want of judgment
(24) He that spareth his rod hateth his son
(25) Belly of the wicked shall want
14. (1-24) There is a way which seemeth right to a man, end are ways of death
(25) A true witness delivereth souls, deceitful speaketh lies
(26-27) The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life
(28) In the multitude of people is the king's honour
(29-35) Righteousness exalteth a nation, sin is a reproach to any people
15. (1-7) The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding evil and good
(8-12) The ways of the wicked and their end
(13-28) The heart of the righteous and the wicked
(29) The Lord is far from the wicked, heareth prayer of righteous
(30-33) The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom
16. (1-9) The Lord weigheth the spirits
(10-15) Ways of man clean in his own eyes, Lord weigheth the spirits
(16-17) How much better is it to get wisdom than gold
(18-24) Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it
(25) There is a way the seemeth right to a man, end ways of death
(26-30) Labour, the violent and froward
(31) Hoary head is crown of glory if in the way of righteousness
(32-33) He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty
17. (1) Dry morsel and quietness better than house full of sacrifices
(2) Wise servant shall have rule over son that causes shame
(3-9) Words and actions, the Lord trieth the hears
(10-14) The just, wicked, contention and strife
(15) He that justifieth the wicked, condemns the just, abomination
(16) Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom
(17) A friend loveth at all times
(18-26) Those void of understanding, froward of heart, fools
(27-28) He that hath knowledge spareth his words
18. (1-2) A man that seeks knowledge, fool has no delight in understanding
(3) When the wicked comes, contempt also comes
(4) The wellspring of wisdom as a flowing brook
(5) Not good respect person of the wicked to overthrow the righteous
(6-8) Fool's mouth is his destruction, words of talebearer as wounds
(9) Slothful is a brother to waster
(10) The name of the Lord is a strong tower, righteous run to it, are safe
(11-12) Conceit and the heart of the haughty
(13) He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, folly
(14) A wounded spirit who can bear
(15) Heart of the prudent getteth knowledge
(16) A man's gift ... bringeth him before great men
(17-19) Contentions, their source and resolution
(20-21) Death and life are in the power of the tongue
(22) Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing
(23) Poor entreat, rich answer roughly
(24) Man that hath friends must show himself friendly
19. (1-3) Foolishness of man perverteth his way, heart fretteth against Lord
(4-19) Wealth, foolishness, warnings to false witnesses, effect of wisdom
(20-21) The counsel of the Lord, that shall stand
(22-26) Fear of the Lord tendeth to life
(27-29) Cease ... to hear instruction that causeth to err from knowledge
20. (1-13) Mockers, judgment of kings, heart of man, abominations
(14-17) Bread of deceit is sweet, afterwards his mouth filled with gravel
(18-25) How can a man then understand his own way
(26) Wise king scattereth the wicked
(27) Spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching the inward parts
(28) Mercy and truth preserve the king
(29) Glory of young men is their strength, old men the gray head
(30) Blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil
21. (1-5) The Lord pondereth the hearts
(6-7) Treasures gotten by lying tongue, robbery of the wicked
(8) As for the pure his work is right
(9) Better to dwell in corner of housetop than with brawling woman
(10-19) Actions good and bad and their result, God's involvement
(20-23) Benefits and result of wisdom and righteousness
(24-29) Pride, covetousness, lying, wicked contrasted with righteous
(30-31) No wisdom, nor counsel against the Lord, safety is of the Lord
22. (1-16) Situations, circumstances actions contrasted with their result
(17-21) That I make thee know the certainty of the words of truth
(22-23) Rob not the poor, the Lord will plead their cause
(24-25) Make no friendship with an angry man, lest thou learn his ways
(26-27) Be not one of them that are sureties for debts
(28) Remove not the ancient landmarks thy fathers have set
(29) Man diligent in business shall stand before kings
23. (1-3) When thou sittest to eat with a ruler
(4-5) Labour not to be rich, riches make themselves wings, fly away
(6-8) Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye
(9) Speak not in the ears of a fool, will despise the wisdom
(10-11) Remove not the old landmarks, enter the fields of the fatherless
(12) Apply thine heart to instruction, thine ears to knowledge
(13-14) Withhold not correction from the child
(15-16) If thine heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice
(17-19) Let not thine heart envy sinners, be in fear of the Lord all day long
(20-21) Be not among winebibbers, riotous eaters of flesh
(22) Hearken unto thy father, despise not thy mother when she is old
(23) Buy the truth and sell it not
(24-26) The father if the righteous shall greatly rejoice
(27-28) A whore is a deep ditch, lieth in wait as for prey
(29-35) Look not upon the wine when it is red, at last biteth like a serpent
24. (1-2) Be not envious against evil men, their heart studieth destruction
(3-6) Through wisdom is a house builded, a wise man is strong
(7-9) Foolishness and those who devise to do evil
(10) If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small
(11-12) If thou forbear to deliver them drawn to death, doth not he know it
(13-14) Taste of honey compared to knowledge and wisdom to the soul
(15-16) Lay not wait O wicked man, just man falleth seven times, riseth up
(17-18) Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, lest the Lord see it
(19-20) Fret not thyself because of evil men, candle of wicked put out
(21-22) Meddle not with them given to change, their calamity rise suddenly
(23-26) It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment
(27) Prepare thy work without, afterwards build thine house
(28-29) Be not a witness against thy neighbor, say not I will do to him
(30-34) I went by the field of the slothful, so shall thy poverty come
25. (1) Proverbs of Solomon the men of Hezekiah copied out
(2-3) It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, honour of kings to search
(4-5) Take away the wicked in the presence of the king
(6-7) Stand not in the place of great men
(8-13) Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself
(14) Whoso boasteth of false gift like clouds, wind without rain
(15-28) Patience, restraint and good judgment, treatment of others
26. (1-11) Fools and wisdom, as dog returneth to vomit so a fool to his folly
(12) Man who is wise in his own conceit
(13-16) The slothful and the sluggard
(17-28) Those who meddle, create strife, lying tongue hateth those affected
27. (1) Thou knowest not what a day may bring forth
(2) Let another praise thee, not thine own mouth
(3-6) Fool's wrath, anger, faithful are the wounds of a friend
(7-10) Being satisfied, keeping one's place, friendship and remembrance
(11-12) My son be wise, make my heart glad
(13-21) Relationships, wrong actions, result of one's behavior
(22) Foolishness will not depart from a fool
(23-27) Be diligent to know state of thy flocks, riches are not for ever
28. (1) Wicked flee when no man pursues
(2) By a man of understanding the state shall be prolonged
(3-6) Evil men understand not judgment, better is the poor that is upright
(7-14) Those who keep the law, attitudes toward riches, sin
(15-16) Prince that wanted understanding is a great oppressor
(17-18) Man that doeth violence, those that walk uprightly, perverse to fall
(19-20) A faithful man shall abound with blessings
(21) Respect of persons is not good
(22) He that hasteth to be rich, considereth not that poverty shall come
(23) He that rebukes a man has more favor than flatterer
(24) Whoso robbeth father, mother, companion of destroyer
(25-26) He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool
(27) He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack
(28) When the wicked perish the righteous increase
29. (1) Often reproved hardeneth his neck, suddenly destroyed
(2) Rule of the righteous and wicked
(3) Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father
(4) King's judgment and influence of gifts
(5-6) In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare
(7) Righteous and wicked's attitude toward the poor
(8) Effect on a city of scornful and wise men
(9-12) Foolish, bloodthirsty, ruler who listens to lies
(13) The Lord lighteneth both their eyes
(14-26) Effect of being righteous, correction, anger and pride
(27) He that is upright is an abomination to the wicked
30. (1) The words of Agur, even the prophecy
(2-3) I neither learned wisdom, nor have knowledge of the holy
(4-6) Every word of God is pure, add thou not unto them
(7-9) Two things have I required of thee, deny me them not before I die
(10) Accuse not a servant unto his master, lest he curse thee
(11-14) There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes
(15-17) Three things that are never satisfied, four say not it is enough
(18-20) Three things too wonderful for me, four which I know not
(21-23) For three things Earth disquieted, four it cannot bear
(24-28) Four things little upon the Earth but exceeding wise
(29-31) Three things which go well, four are comely in going
(32) If thou hast done foolishly, lay thine hand upon thy mouth
(33) Forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife
31. (1-9) Words of king Lemuel, that his mother taught him
(10-31) Who can find a virtuous woman, price is far above rubies

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