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Revelation Book Outline

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Chapter Verse/s Verse Summary
1. (1-3) The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him
(4-6) John to the seven churches of Asia
(7-8) He cometh with clouds
(9-11) What thou seest write in a book
(12-17) In the midst of the seven candlesticks
(18-20) The mystery of the seven stars
2. (1-7) Church of Ephesus
(8-11) Church of Smyrna
(12-17) Church of Pergamos
(18-29) Church of Thyatira
3. (1-6) Church of Sardis
(7-13) Church of Philadelphia
(14-22) Church of Laodicea
4. (1) A door opened in Heaven
(2) A throne was set in Heaven
(3) He that sat was to look upon like
(4-5) Round about the throne
(6) Sea of glass
(7-9) Four beasts
(10-11) Four and twenty elders fall down
5. (1-5) A book written within and on the backside
(6-8) A lamb as it had been slain
(9-14) Worthy is the lamb
6. (1-2) 1st seal - white horse
(3-4) 2nd seal - red horse
(5-6) 3rd seal - black horse
(7-8) 4th seal - pale horse
(9-11) 5th seal - souls slain for the word under the altar
(12-17) 6th seal - earthquake, sun, moon
7. (1) Four angels standing on the four corners
(2-3) Another angel ascending from the East
(4-8) The number of them sealed
(9-10) Multitude which no man could number
(11-12) Power and might be unto our God
(13-17) What are these arrayed in white robes
8. (1) 7th seal - there was silence in Heaven
(2-6) Seven angels, seven trumpets
(7) 1st angel - fire, hail, blood
(8-9) 2nd angel - great mountain burning
(10-11) 3rd angel - great star wormwood
(12-13) 4th angel - the third part of them was smitten
9. (1-12) 5th angel - bottomless pit opened
(13-21) 6th angel - loose the four angels which are bound
10. (1-7) 7th angel - angel and seven thunders
(8-11) The little book - eat it up
11. (1-2) Rise and measure the temple of God
(3-10) The two witneses and their death
(11-13) Witnesses raised and ascend
(14) Second woe past, third woe coming
(15-18) Seventh angel sounded, voices in Heaven
(19) Temple of God opened in Heaven
12. (1-2) A great wonder in Heaven
(3-4) Great red dragon
(5-6) Woman brings forth man child
(7-9) There was war in Heaven
(10-12) Now is come salvation and strength
(13-17) Dragon persecutes the woman
13. (1-8) Beast from sea
(9-10) He that hath an ear
(11-18) Beast from the Earth
14. (1) Lamb on Mount Sion
(2-5) The hundred forty and four thousand
(6-7) Angel with everlasting Gospel
(8) Another angel, Babylon is fallen
(9-12) If any man worship the beast
(13) Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord
(14-16) White cloud and one like son of man
(17) Angel from temple
(18) Angel from the altar
(19-20) Winepress of the wrath of God
15. (1) Seven angels having seven last plagues
(2-4) Sea of glass and song of Moses
(5-8) Temple opened and wrath of God, plagues
16. (1) Pour out the vials of wrath
(2) 1st vial of wrath - noisome sore upon men with mark of beast
(3) 2nd vial of wrath - sea like blood of the dead
(4) 3rd vial of wrath - rivers and fountains as blood
(5-7) Angel of waters and voice out of altar
(8-9) 4th vial of wrath - men scorched, blasphemed
(10-11) 5th vial of wrath - poured out on seat of the beast
(12-16) 6th vial of wrath - Euphrates dried up, unclean spirits
(17-21) 7th vial of wrath - in the air, voices and thunders
17. (1-3) One of seven angels talked with me
(4-6) Woman on scarlet beast
(7-14) The mystery of the beast
(15-18) The waters which thou sawest
18. (1-3) Babylon the great is fallen
(4-8) Come out of her my people
(9-10) Kings of Earth shall bewail her
(11-16) Merchants shall weep
(17-19) Every shipmaster cried when they saw smoke
(20) Rejoice, God hath avenged you
(21-24) Angel casts millstone into sea
19. (1-8) Great voice of much people
(9-10) Write, blessed are they
(11-16) White horse and he that sat thereon
(17-18) Angel standing in sun
(19-21) Beast, kings and their armies gathered
20. (1-3) Angel with key to the bottomless pit
(4-6) Reigned with Christ a thousand years
(7-10) When the thousand years are expired
(11-15) Dead small and great stand before God
21. (1-5) A new Heaven and new Earth
(6-8) I am Alpha and Omega
(9-14) Jerusalem descending out of Heaven
(15-21) City foursquare
(22-27) I saw no temple therein
22. (1-5) River and tree of life
(6-9) Sayings are faithful and true
(10-17) Seal not the sayings of the prophecy
(18-21) If any man shall take away or add to

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